What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction

The work of spiritual direction is to pay attention to God’s movement in your life.  Sometimes called “spiritual guidance” or “spiritual companioning,” spiritual direction is a confidential relationship in which you receive help in noticing and responding to God.  The true director is always God’s Spirit.

Usually individuals meet one-to-one with a director.  Some relationships are long-term; others are short-term as individuals seek guidance for specific decisions or experiences. Some people prefer to meet with a small group designed for group spiritual direction. 

Because God works in and around us, a central question in spiritual direction is how to pay attention to the stirrings of God. The spiritual director listens for God’s movement in your life, asks questions, makes observations, and offers suggestions. You are always free to respond to God’s initiatives in whatever way you choose.

Who can benefit from this ministry of spiritual direction?
  • Anyone going through a time of discernment, that is, trying to ascertain the what, when, where, how, who, and why of God’s leading;
  • Anyone going through a dry spell in their spiritual walk, who may be feeling disconnected from God or spiritually unmotivated;
  • Anyone going through a difficult time and yearning for God’s healing mercy and grace;
  • Anyone wanting to deepen his or her relationship with God and to move toward a greater depth of spiritual maturity.

What spiritual direction is not:

  • Spiritual direction is not career counseling. Some people meet with a spiritual director to discern God’s vocational call, but the director does not offer advice or evaluate skills and talents.
  • Spiritual direction is not financial counseling. 
  • Spiritual direction is not psychotherapy or counseling. Some people meet with both a therapist and a spiritual director.

Questions to consider in spiritual direction:

  • What is happening in my life that is occupying my attention or distracting me from God?
  • What feelings are being triggered in me by what’s happening?
  • What is influencing my beliefs about God, myself, and others?
  • How does God feel about me and my lament?
  • What does God want to do in me?
  • How am I responding to God and what God desires to do in me?
  • How can I better respond to God?

Group spiritual direction

Spiritual direction in a group is a process in which individuals meet together on a regular basis to help one another grow aware of God’s presence throughout life. The individuals seek support for their listening and responsiveness to God and they agree to support others to do the same. Some directors are available to provide group spiritual direction.

Mennonite Spiritual Director Retreat in Albuquerque, NM