Mennonite Spiritual Directors Public List

Mennonite Spiritual Direction Network (MSDN) provides the following Public List of MSDN directors as a service to those seeking a Mennonite or Anabaptist-minded spiritual director.

Those listed are members of the Network who have applied for this public format, providing basic information about their training, references from supervision and faith communities, and who have agreed to live in respectful dialogue with the Mennonite World Conference Statement of Shared Convictions and to follow the Guidelines for Ethical Conduct from Spiritual Directors International.

Before accessing the online list, you must read and fully accept the following Disclaimer and Terms of Use Agreement. 


MSDN does not provide training, certification, or credentials for spiritual directors listed here. MSDN does not oversee and does not recommend or endorse any of the listed spiritual directors. By accessing and using this list, you understand that you are accepting responsibility to use the list to identify, interview and/or engage the services of a spiritual director.  

Furthermore, you understand that MSDN is in no way responsible for the acts, omissions, or services (professional or volunteer) provided by any of the spiritual directors on the Public List. MSDN is in no way responsible for any other actions taken based on the information furnished by MSDN. You also understand and agree to use any contact information supplied on our website solely for the purposes of finding a spiritual director, and not for purposes of solicitation, replication, distribution, or online display. 

By accessing the list, you are agreeing to the above terms. 

Welcome to the journey!