Shekinah Spiritual Direction Program (St. Benedict’s Retreat and Conference Centre, Winnipeg) 2010-2013; B.Th, CMBC, 1994; M.A. Christian Ministry, CMU, 2017; Immanuel Prayer, 1999; basic Gestalt Pastoral Care training & personal healing liturgies, AMBS, 2016. Certificate in Supervision of Spiritual Directors, 2021.
Active Practice
Description of Practice
Immanuel Prayer (healing traumatic memories), Gestalt Pastoral Care, personal healing liturgies, healing of personal images of the Divine Mystery, Celtic Christianity, living more deeply into who you were uniquely created to be
* Ways to pray using stillness and movement, right and left brain, habits and creativity - prayer practices
* Using Guided Meditations for spiritual growth
* Celtic Spirituality
* Stories of Celtic saints to inspire faith
* Healing your past, blessing your future
* Immanuel Prayer, basic to advanced skills in healing prayer ministry
* emotional healing of past trauma
* Praying the Psalms
* Walking the Labyrinth
* Biblical Storytelling, Stories of Faith
* Advent
* Lent
* Maundy Thursday & Good Friday through the senses
* Rocks and faith
* The life of Christ and five dimensions of the spiritual life
* Sabbath & Rest
* Guided silent retreats
* Group Spiritual Direction
* Spiritual Friendship
* Women's Spirituality
* Encountering Jesus: stories from the New Testament and Church History
* Self-care
* Elder-care ministry
* Visiting ministry
* Spiritual Practices for Resilience for Eco Activists
* Immanuel Prayer basics
* Creating a Rule of Life
* Starting a Renovare group